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Unlocking the Potential of Smart African Cities 
Sustainable, Inclusive, Resilient and Prosperous 

Smart Economy in Smart African Cities
Cover Smart Economy in Smart African cit
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 A smart city is conceptualized as a sustainable, inclusive, resilient and prosperous city that promotes a people-centric approach based on three core components—Smart City Foundation , Information and Communications Technology (ICT)  and Smart Institutions and Laws .These three core

components are the pillars of the seven dimensions of a smart city: Infrastructure

Development , Environmental Sustainability, Social Development, Social Inclusion, DisastersPrevention and Resilience, andPeace and Security .

 The book smart Economy in Smart African Cities, published in 2019, develops a conceptual framework of “ Smart Economy in Smart Cities”  that can assist African policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders in developing urban policies for smart, sustainable, inclusive, resilient and prosperous cities.

Ch1- Relevance of Smart Cities

Ch2 - African Cities in Time and Space

 This chapter presents the historical place of the urban setting that has shaped various social, economic and political transformations in Africa.

Ch3 - Africa's Smart City Foundation

 A smart city foundation is composed of three elements: Urban Planning and Design ,

Land Policies and Basic Infrastructure .

Ch7 - Smart Energy for Smart Infrastructure Development

 Access to energy is required to

support a number of social and economic activities including transportation, communication

and production of goods

Ch8 - Smart Urban Mobility and Accessibility for Smart Economy in Africa 

 Africa’s rapid urbanization call for large investments in infrastructures to

respond to the increased demand for urban accessibility

Ch5 - Biodiversity for Smart Cities

The role and importance of ICT is highlighted as key to advancing a science-based approach to integrating biodiversity in smart


Ch6 - Waste Management in African Cities

 Waste management

is indeed a major obstacle to sustainable development in most African cities due to the lack of sustainable waste management strategies both at national and local levels,

Ch4 - Cities in the Context of Climate Change

 This chapter defines what climate smart cities means, evolution of cities as actors of climate actions

Ch8 - Smart Urban Mobility and Accessibility for Smart Economy in Africa 

 Africa’s rapid urbanization call for large investments in infrastructures to

respond to the increased demand for urban accessibility

Ch9 - Air Quality in Africa

 Air pollution has become a major environmental issue in African cities: Traffic congestion combined with old cars and low quality fuel, open-burning of waste and biomass, dust and sandstorms

are the major sources of air pollution.

Ch10 - Smart Disaster Prevention and Resilience in Africa

 Metropolitan cities

are confronted with an array of disaster challenges such as flooding, ocean surge

and building collapse.

Ch11 - Smart Peace and Security in Africa

 This chapter explore the nature of conflicts in Africa cities  and thereafter seek to build a framework for understanding the possible way of linking digital

platform with attainment of peace and security in these cities.

Ch12 - Smart and Open Urban Governance in Africa

 This chapter presents a conceptual framework for Smart and Open Urban Governance in

Africa and explores themes of transparency, public participation, and accountability

Ch13 - Smart Social Development Key for Smart African Cities

 This chapter focuses on the Social Development dimensions of smart cities, composed of elements of health and education.

 When education and health are combined, undoubtedly they contribute significantly to human development.

Ch14 - Smart Urban Economy in Africa

 the chapter provides recommendation to seize the urban advantage

in Africa in order to achieve liveable Smart Cities that undergo inclusive sustainable

economic growth and development.

Ch15 - Information and Communication Technologies in Africa

 The changes in the ICT sector in Africa are part of an international

dynamic resulting from the combination of liberalization policies, incredible technological

advances and strong consumer demand.

Ch16 - The Way Forword

 This book puts forward a shift of the paradigm to re-conceptualize the future of African cities towards sustainability, resilience, inclusion and prosperity in the context of an information-driven global and local development.

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