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Selected publications and presentations

 The book smart Economy in Smart African Cities, published in 2019, develops a conceptual framework of “ Smart Economy in Smart Cities”  that can assist African policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders in developing urban policies for smart, sustainable, inclusive, resilient and prosperous cities.

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 The book Smart Economy in Smart Cities, 2018,  is a global publication that includes four African cities: Cape Town (South Africa), Dakar (Senegal), Lagos (Nigeria) and Nairobi (Kenya) under GORA Corp coordination.  

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The book Smart Metropolitan Regional Development, 2018,  is a global publication that includes five African cities: Abuja (Nigeria), Conakry (Guinea), Dakar (Senegal), Johannesburg (South Africa) and Nairobi (Kenya) under GORA Corp coordination.

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 A smart city is conceptualized as a sustainable, inclusive, resilient and prosperous city that promotes a people-centric approach based on three core components—Smart City Foundation , Information and Communications Technology (ICT)  and Smart Institutions and Laws .These three core components are the pillars of the seven dimensions of a smart city: Infrastructure Development , Environmental Sustainability, Social Development, Social Inclusion, DisastersPrevention and Resilience, and Peace and Security .

Selected Composite Indices
Selected Video Presentations

Planning and Designing Streets as Public Spaces for Sustainable, Inclusive & Prosperous Cities, Municipalikat, Ahmedabad, 11 November 2014, Part I

Sustainable City Foundation - Key for Smart Cities,

GeoBuild Infrastructures for Smart Cities, Hyderabad, India, 11 February 2015

Contribution of heritage & culture to smart,  safe & vibrant cities – A Global Review, Municipalikat, Jaipur, 9 December 2015

Planning and Designing Streets as Public Spaces for Sustainable, Inclusive & Prosperous Cities, Municipalikat,Ahmedabad, 11 November 2014, Part II

Promoting Density while Avoiding Overcrowding, Urban Age Conference, London School of Economics (LSE), Hong Kong November 2011

Emergence de nouveaux poles Urbains au Senegal,

Reunion annuelle de l'Association des Senegalais de la Banque Mondiale et du FMI, Octobre 2016. Gora Mboup Interview and Presentation

Other publications and presentations

Creating digital cities – A transformation  towards a smart, sustainable, inclusive and prosperous city
Smart Solutions for Future Cities,
Conference & Exhibition, Kuwait City, 7 February 2016, Golf 

Planning and Designing Streets as Public Spaces for Sustainable, Inclusive & Prosperous Cities, International Seminar on Development of Township, 3-4 April 2015, Indira Gandhi Pratishthan
Lucknow, India

Sustainable City Foundation – 
Key for Sustainable, Inclusive and Prosperous Cities
 Tool for the development and use of statistics for the new urban agenda, 
60th World Statistics Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil July 2015

Smart Child-Friendly Cities within the Framework of Sustainable, Inclusive and Prosperous Cities, Presentation at the "Building Child-Friendly Cities for twenty first Century India" Conference, New Delhi, India, Novemvber 2014

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